Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Today in class we talked about the Guns Germs And Steel video. We talked about how racial inequality possibly started because of the nutrient advancment and because some people were stuck in an endless cycle of trying to get food and not being able to store any and having a surplus they werent able to advance as well as other nations. So thats why some racial inequality started because when some europeans came to toher lands that were smaller or not as advanced and saw that they had less technology than them they thought they were inferior to them and that the euorpean/ cacausion race was better


In class today we watched a video called Guns Germs and steel and it talked about how civillizations advanced bettet than others because of geographic locations. For instancew, the mdidle east was better advanced then new guinea because they had wheat and grain which were high in nutrients and stored a long time but in new ginuea their food didnt last a long time and spoiled and was low on nutrients.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


I'm going to be honest, friday was a blurr for me. A bit sad because this was our first week back after break, I was so excited for the week to end and get to the weekend I kind of forgot what went on. I checked your blog and it was just about extra credit so I forgot, sorry!. Anyways, I hope we have a good class on Monday and learn a lot of new stuff.


In class we took notes on the four civillization zones. We also noted how no life originated from any cold areas, because we needed agriculture and warm weather to survive. We talked about the Aztecs and other civillizations and stuff. We talked about God kings and rulers where the rulers thought they were Gods or related to them in some way. We talked about the pyramids they built and how you could scale them. The aztecs relate to Egypt in a lot of ways and this should be an interesting lesson.

Monday (i forgot to do the blogs for the week because it's been so long i got out of rythm. sorry!)

I was not there on monday as I was sick with a stomach bug I had picked up over the winter. I asked my friend Dan what we had learned and he said we learned about Urban Geography. Human Geo was one of my favorite classes this semester and I'm glad I had it with mr Schick. I'm also really glad I have him next semester, so I'm sure that will be a fun class, and also because history is one of my most favorite subjects over science.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday ten questions

1. What is microfinancing?
the provision of a range of financial resources such as small loans, insurance, and savings to low-income families in order to help them build businesses and increase their income
2.What are micro-loans?

The business or policy of making microloans to impoverished entrepreneurs.
3. What is total fertility rate?
Average number of children born per woman.
4. What is the difference between pus hand pull forces.
Pull forces are good things that pull people torwards your country while push forces are bad things like civil war or famine etc.
5. What does the peacecorp do?
They travel to third world countries and villages and help them set up things like infrastructure or buisnesses that the village needs to stay alive
6. What country does Angela Merkel run/ has the position of chancellor in?
7. When studying globalization the most important concept to consider is interconnectedness.
8.What is considered the language of business?
9.What kind of people does microfinancing help
Poor people who cant use big banks and don't have money
10. Why do some nations hate globalization
Because they don't want other nations cultures spread into their own.

Monday- Microfinance

In class we talked pretty much alkl about microfinance. We watched a short power point explaining microfinance. Microfincancing can help people with small business or people who don't have access to a large bank get started. Micro loaning helps people with small buisnesses who get in trouble like having a natural disaster or something unexpected ,it can help them in relief. Micro finance is a great thing to help people overall.