Thursday, October 31, 2013


Today in class we talked about the test and did some more of Grace's power point. Basically I've just been studying the different religions, and luckily, because I am on the internet most of my free time I am exposed to a wide variety of information. I am exposed to this every day, and I've pretty much been using a PC since 2008, thus I have learned a lot about the world. When I was a kid I was surprise how close minded I was about the outside world, and it was like I was living in a box. I'm really happy our country made so many technological advances in so little time. Well, time to study for the quiz some more

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Test scores and studying

Today in class we got our test back. I got a 100 and I was really happy but in a way I was not really surprised. Power points are my favorite type of notes to take because I can write down the text and information but Powerpoints also usually have pictures so if I forget something I can look back and try to remember the pictures I saw and it would remind a little. Today was a good class and I wonder what w'll do next. Grace also present her 30 slide long presentation.


Today in class we started to make our presenstations on our different religions we were assigned. I was assigned Islam with my group and I feel we've been doing pretty well so far. Islam is a nice religion to study as because its so big, there is much more to study. So I am happy I got an easy religion to study, rather than something like Hinduism which has complex philosophies and other ideas that you would have to explain more in detail.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

One lap down, three to go

So on Friday we took a test and I think I did really well on it. I knew most of the stuff so I believe I am good on my grades. So I hope we can take some more notes in class because I actually like the talking between us and discussion. Not only that but we also learn new stuff at the same time so we can talk about the new stuff we learn in discussion and share all of our opinions. So far Human Geo is probably one of my favorite classes so far and I'm sure it will continue to be.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Even more notes on wednesday

Today we took notes in class. (big suprise). Although we do this repedately, I actually quite like taking notes. Not only does it give us opportunity to voice our opinions, but it does teach us some interesting stuff. Today we also watched a video about how America is not the greatest country, and one of the reasons people thought it was is "freedom". Now, whether they tried to portray that as a joke or not, I do not know. But it really is some of the citizens reasons for America being "Number 1". This just makes my blood boil as if we're the only country in the world with Freedom. It's just a ridicolous thought" AMERICA IS NUMBER ONE BECAUSE OF FREEDOM". Not only that, but there are tons of countries better than us in statistics. Do you know what we lead the world in? Number 1 Country for most adults believing in Angels, Highest Infant Mortality Rate, and so on. We lead the world in bad things and in good things like wealth or income, we're usually around the 4-10 rating. There are a lot of countries better than us, but we're not the worst country.

Tuesday, more, more notes

In Tuesdays class we continued to take more notes on division and population. We talked about what can divide people that is so simple, like religion or just being a part of a different "clan" "family" or "tribe". This is a silly thing that should not separate people so easily. I can bet that the religion you follow teaches peace and kindness yet some people hate other religions or even go as far to kill them and remove them from their countries. It's not just about religion though, it's also different backrounds. As long as different groups are not causing major problems for each other, (Not to be racist, but the "Romani's" or "Gypsys" have been causing economic troubles) So unless they're acting like gypsyies and not contributing to society or helping at all they should all be able to co exist.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Taking notes in class 10/21/13

Today in class Mr Shick told us a very funny story abotu how he walked into a news car line up and got to watch the game while hearing the fans cheer. Overall it was a really fun story and I enjoyed listening to it. After that we took notes about the population like religious examples and language examples. For instance, spanish unites the hispanic world, like Arabic unites the Arab world. A lot of these things connect the majority of the people and so it can help as a nation overall. We have a test coming up and I will prepare for it.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Today in class we took an AP test. Some of the test was easy, and some of the stuff was on there I already knew. ( Cannot remember specific examples, sorry). I did not manage to finish the test in time but I was only about 10 questions away, and there was some stuff on the test I didn't understand so I kind of guessed for those.
Anyways, the test was pretty easy for the stuff we knew and the other questions I could use choice of elimination or just common sense to try and answer them.
I look foward to class on Monday and wonder what we'll learn next.
I also still need to make up that test.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Friday/Tuesday. (Absent on both days)

I was absent from class on these days so I do not know what we did. I looked at someone else's blog for information though and I think we had a test on Friday and in class on Tuesday we just went over the test and talked about it. So I am ready for the test at least. I could not get a lot of info on the ilikehumangeo blog so I did not know what we did on Tuesday. I look forward to catching up in my classes and getting back into action.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

More population studying

Today in class we looked at various graphs for different countries, like Japan, Sweden, and an African nation who's name I forgot. The African nation had a high birth rate and most of their population was in the 15-30s. There was virtually no-one alive 70+. For Sweden, they had a lot of working class citizens 25-50 and a lot of old people. They had some young people, but not as much as the working class. And for Japan, they had a lot of old people, but no young people which do most of the jobs so they might be suffering economic issues. So I figured out today we have a test on Friday so I'm going to start studying but most likely I won't have to because I pay attention in class and Human Geo is one of my favorite classes so I usually pay attention and absorb any information or stories.


Today in class we finished the test on the movie. I think I did okay in it even though I forgot a few questions, like which tribe John Bul was from. We also got to eat cupcakes while doing the test so that was an awesome thing. We started a new unit in Human Geo which was population pyramids. We learned three new types of pyramids, a cup, a Christmas tree, and the box. They each represent different happenings, like a developing country, a developed country with improving populace, or a developed country with decreasing population.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Finishing the movie

Today in class we finally finished the movie. In my personal opinion, it was very interesting and reminded me how much we should be thankful just for the simplest things, like even having a mom or a dad or a sibling. We take all these things for granted, let alone eletricity and other simple tools we view as part of every day life. This movie also teaches us to never give up and always trust in god because he has a plan in life. You must go through hard time in order to get any good ones,

10/4/13 (late sorry)

On Friday we just watched some more of "God Grew Tired of us". In the episode they were starting work and a lot of them had two jobs, like a factory job and a mcdonalds job. Because they didn't have a car they had to get rides and help from other people so when they finally got to the factory they had to wait an hour before it even opened. There troubles in America seem to be just starting but they are still very grateful and trying their best. Some of them miss the open,  friendly places back home because America is not exactly the most friendly place.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Since I was not here Tuesday I do not really know what the movie is about but I will still write about it. Apparently our section is still waiting for the boys to get on an airplane, so I assume this could be a possible turning point in the movie that we reached. I will be in school on Wednesday so I'm sure I will catch up then.


Today in class we reviewed our answers. We just went over them, although I didn't have my laptop I knew I probably had them all right, because me and Dan had finished early so we double checked a little. Plus, Dan checked our paper even though I didn't have my laptop so it worked out well. So far I have had a fun time in Human Geo and it is one of my favorite classes. It's interesting and I hope to have a good time for the rest of the year.