Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Even more notes on wednesday

Today we took notes in class. (big suprise). Although we do this repedately, I actually quite like taking notes. Not only does it give us opportunity to voice our opinions, but it does teach us some interesting stuff. Today we also watched a video about how America is not the greatest country, and one of the reasons people thought it was is "freedom". Now, whether they tried to portray that as a joke or not, I do not know. But it really is some of the citizens reasons for America being "Number 1". This just makes my blood boil as if we're the only country in the world with Freedom. It's just a ridicolous thought" AMERICA IS NUMBER ONE BECAUSE OF FREEDOM". Not only that, but there are tons of countries better than us in statistics. Do you know what we lead the world in? Number 1 Country for most adults believing in Angels, Highest Infant Mortality Rate, and so on. We lead the world in bad things and in good things like wealth or income, we're usually around the 4-10 rating. There are a lot of countries better than us, but we're not the worst country.

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