Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Talking about microfinance and buisnesses

Today in class we talked about how micro loans/finances like kiva help small buisnesses and individuals in their daily lives It helps them pay off their loans, start a business, healthcare, or any unexpected crisis like sickness or a natural disaster. We also talked about how big buisnesses strangle out the small ones and we debated over whether it was right or not. We eventually came to the conclusion that it could not be answered and that sometimes small buisnesses turn into big ones, so other small ones die. So its a question that cannot be fully answered or completed


In class today we went over the test and some of the test scores were less than admirable. I feel I did ok though, considering I had no blog and did half the test without one, but still got an 80. Would've probably had an 81-84 if I had payed attention and wrote the country rather than the leader, and vice versa. So far this week has been ok, but long. I want the break to be here already and I'm growing restless for it.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Making decisions for a town

Today in class I got to decide on what to do for several issues regarding a town. We had to make choices like how to stop the malaria outbreak and several other things. We got a sheet to do in class and it was pretty easy so I finished about 75 percent of it. Im enjoying class so far and also please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes as some of the keys on my keyboard is gone and its reall messing me up

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Today in class we finish up the notes on the leaders. Near the end we were allowed to roam free before the second bell rung and we took some more notes on the leaders. So basically we did test prep for the day to try and prepare us for the test on the leaders. We didn't really do much that day so its a little hard for me to write about it.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Today in class I was not there sadly. I'm assuming we went over a power point abotu world leaders, as Mr shick's blog said. Overall I'm really satisfied with Mr Shicks class so far and I'm happy I'm in it. Mr Shick is probably one of the best teachers I've had just alone because of his energy and comedy, it really makes the class feel alive. So, hopefully I will do good on the exam in a couple of weeks and I wish good luck to everyone

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Enrique Peña Nieto: He was a Governor of one of the most largest region in Mexico, which helped his leadership. There is also some controversy that he did not win the elections fairly.
Joachim Gauck: Was originally a pastor, and was an anti communist protestor.
Nicolás Maduro: He started working as a bus driver until he was suddenly elected minister of foreign affairs. He was arrested and put in jail at one time.
Xi Jinping: The first Chinese president to have a PhD.  And he is the first babyboomer to become a president.
David Cameron: He was a descendant of king William IV. He tried to moderanize britains conservative party.
Abdullah of Saudi Arabia: He speaks with a stutter. He helped Arabia join the World Trade Originization.
Pranab Mukherjee: Mukherjee is among the handful of Indian politicians to have held the three key ministries of finance, defence and external affairs. He is a workaholic and does not take days off, and works 18 hours a day
François Hollande: He was once caught for an affair. He went to a chain of schools that educated him well.
Hassan Rouhani: He earned a PhD in Scotland and he had to pay his own way through it. He then gave speeches across the country encouraging a new government.
Hamid Karzai: Actually was allied with the Taliban for a short time. There was assassination attempts on him almost every day and yet he still took his job with zeal
Dilma Rousseff: First woman to hold office in Brazil. She was tortured when she was captured by the government, as she was part of multiple guerilla warfare groups.
Shimon Peres: Brought peace between Israel and Palestine. He also brought their armed forces to peak efficiency.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Mexico: federal republic President Enrique Peña Nieto

Germany: federal republic, 
  1. Joachim Gauck
    Germany, President

    Venezuala: federal republic

    1. Nicolás Maduro
      Venezuela, President

      China:Communist state,
      1. Xi Jinping
        China, President
        United Kingdom:constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth realm
        1. David Cameron
          United Kingdom, Prime minister
          Saudi Arabia,monarchy
          1. Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
            Saudi Arabia, King
            India:federal republic
            1. Pranab Mukherjee
              India, President
              1. François Hollande
                France, President
                Iran:theocratic republic

                1. Hassan Rouhani
                  Iran, President
                  Afghanistan: Islamic republic
                  1. Hamid Karzai
                    Afghanistan, President
                    Brazil: federal republic,
                    1. Dilma Rousseff
                      Brazil, President
                      Israel:parliamentary democracy
                      1. Shimon Peres
                        Israel, President