Saturday, August 31, 2013

Important definitions

Argora- The argora was pretty much a bastion of sports, artist, sprituality, etc. It was a gathering place where all these people could come together and talk, partake in, or view many things
Arete- Basically meaning excellence. It's also translated as "being the best you can be". This is how we should live our daily lives otherwise we might regret it.
Polis- It means two things. A city, or city state (Like Athens) or citizenship.
508 BC- After three years of conflict Klisthenis came to power. He placed a lot of foundations in the athenian democracy.
Socrates- Was a famous Athenian philosopher. He is credited with being one founder of the Westeran philosophy
Death of Socrates- Socrates was executed for many reasons. He praised the Spartans, the Arch rivals of Athens in many dialogues. Some also believe his constant pursuit for better morales and kindess had angered them. He also questioned all of athenians "Wise men" and while each thought they were wise, very few of them actually were. This angered them.
The Socratic Method- A method of inquiring (speaking) to one another. One might possibly contradict himself by accident, therfor improving the point of the asker. It is a good discussion tactic and a good way to test hypothesis.
Idiot in anceint athens- It basically meant an incompentant person. Someone who did not take part in democracy, was bad in public affairs, etc.

Sources- Wikipedia. (It basically had all the definitions)

Five point plan

There are many possible ways I can be successful at John Carroll.
My first way is the most basic, simply, listen.
Listen to your teachers of what they say in class, listen to everything they tell you to do and you will be set.
My second way is to write down things you know you won't remember.
If you can't remember a small thing, like a small assignment, write it down in a book or one note.
My third way is to do everything on time. Minimilize Late work, it slows you down and prevents you from doing your current work. Also avoid being late or absent to school, this will really mess you up.
The fourth way is to ask questions if you don't understand something. Do not be afraid to raise your hand and ask a question. If you miss something, or just don't understand it, you will need the information later.
And finally the fifth way is to enjoy your lessons. Don't view it as "work" "Class work" "home work"
View it as improvments.
You're improving yourself and your academic career.
This is just some of the ways I will try and be successful at John Caroll

Human Geo Class

In human Geo class we talked about how and when to post our Blogs.
Blog post should be posted the day of the class or if it's on a friday, saturday at most.
We talked about A letter to Garcia, which is a rant of how men question everything before doing it.
Instead of just doing what they are told or asked they must know why, how to do it, and where must they do it.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

English 9 Personal Profile


My favorite things to do are mainly sports and video games. The sports I like to play are volleyball and baseball. I’ve played baseball for 11 years since I was 3. I’m just going into volleyball this year and I hope to improve my personal skill and continue getting better at the sport. I believe video games, even while fun, can also train your brain to. For instance, strategy games challenge you to use your brain to think of possible outcomes of your decisions and think of everything you can do. So I believe video games, while a source of fun, can also build your mental abilities.                                                                                                                                                              My personal goals for this year is to grow as a person and open up more than I have before and make some new friends. I also help to be academically successful while also maintaining some free time to do other things like sports, etc. I like writing stories (while not all of them might be good) I still enjoy writing them. My stories can really range from any genre, but they’re usually spontaneous and random. Overall I believe my experience at JC will be a positive one no matter what happens. As long as I stay positive nothing can really go wrong this school year.

On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this graded academic work.

 Sam Murray

Second day of JC.

Today in class we learned how to maintain our blog through daily post of what we did that day.
We were taught that if we stay responsible and post your blog daily you will receive two points if done correctly and this is a great way to bring up your grade at the end of the year

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My First Day At JC

My first day at John Carroll school was the first day of the next four years of my life. It was not only memorable meeting my new teachers but also learning the classes that I will be taking. My sister is an alumni of John Carroll and I am excited to go to the school that she herself experienced and took part in. I don't know many people at JC but I know I will meet life-long friends during my course here and that it will be a memorable experience. My first day was memorable simply because the classes that I went to were interesting and I knew that I would have a good time in them. High-school is a lot different from middle school but I feel that I will adapt and make the necessary changes to be successful in life and that is why I can rest in knowing that I will do my best and always strive to be better not only in classes but in sports. Over all my first day experience was well rounded and I got to meet a few new people and teachers.