Thursday, August 29, 2013

English 9 Personal Profile


My favorite things to do are mainly sports and video games. The sports I like to play are volleyball and baseball. I’ve played baseball for 11 years since I was 3. I’m just going into volleyball this year and I hope to improve my personal skill and continue getting better at the sport. I believe video games, even while fun, can also train your brain to. For instance, strategy games challenge you to use your brain to think of possible outcomes of your decisions and think of everything you can do. So I believe video games, while a source of fun, can also build your mental abilities.                                                                                                                                                              My personal goals for this year is to grow as a person and open up more than I have before and make some new friends. I also help to be academically successful while also maintaining some free time to do other things like sports, etc. I like writing stories (while not all of them might be good) I still enjoy writing them. My stories can really range from any genre, but they’re usually spontaneous and random. Overall I believe my experience at JC will be a positive one no matter what happens. As long as I stay positive nothing can really go wrong this school year.

On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this graded academic work.

 Sam Murray

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