Saturday, August 31, 2013

Important definitions

Argora- The argora was pretty much a bastion of sports, artist, sprituality, etc. It was a gathering place where all these people could come together and talk, partake in, or view many things
Arete- Basically meaning excellence. It's also translated as "being the best you can be". This is how we should live our daily lives otherwise we might regret it.
Polis- It means two things. A city, or city state (Like Athens) or citizenship.
508 BC- After three years of conflict Klisthenis came to power. He placed a lot of foundations in the athenian democracy.
Socrates- Was a famous Athenian philosopher. He is credited with being one founder of the Westeran philosophy
Death of Socrates- Socrates was executed for many reasons. He praised the Spartans, the Arch rivals of Athens in many dialogues. Some also believe his constant pursuit for better morales and kindess had angered them. He also questioned all of athenians "Wise men" and while each thought they were wise, very few of them actually were. This angered them.
The Socratic Method- A method of inquiring (speaking) to one another. One might possibly contradict himself by accident, therfor improving the point of the asker. It is a good discussion tactic and a good way to test hypothesis.
Idiot in anceint athens- It basically meant an incompentant person. Someone who did not take part in democracy, was bad in public affairs, etc.

Sources- Wikipedia. (It basically had all the definitions)

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