Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Human Geo 9/4/13

Today, we talked about a lot of interesting things. While going slightly off topic on the discussion of Syria and Rome, today was a very interesting class. We talked more about the death of Socrates and how the method of death he had took a very long time to die. We also talked about the court in which Socrates was founded guilty, possibly due to his witty and sassy responses. We also mentioned that Socrates could have escaped easily, but he stayed to die because Athens had convicted him and he did not want to ruin the system of democracy and make an example. We examined the "Death of Socrates" painting and pointed out several details and debated over them. One such example is Socrates finger pointing in the air, which we debated over. We talked about how he could be making an example, possibly referring to a god like Zeus, or just overall looking buff before he dies. Class was very interesting today and I'm sure we'll discuss Socrates more.

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